Sharpening service
The subject of sharpening is a science in itself. Thanks to our many years of experience and research we have acquired an in-depth knowledge in sharpening technology. This text is intended to give you a feel for the importance of sharpening in your day-to-day activities, but also give you a crash course in how to approach it.
Some technical words must first be explained in order to understand the importance of the sharpening principle.
Wear and Tear:
If you look at the construction of the cutting set, you will see that the hole plate and the knife are positioned next to each other without a gap in-between. More precisely, the arms of the knife press against the hole plate to a greater or lesser degree depending on the pressure created by the material flowing through the grinder.
Each rotation of the knife causes a harmless amount of metal to come off both parts (hole plate and knife) as the knife rubs against the hole plate.
The knife and the hole plate are designed to rub against each other.
Why sharpen?
The knife and hole plate are subjected to wear and tear over time as they are put to work in the cutting sets. That is a completely normal process in the lifetime of a cutting set. However, the wear and tear causes the parts to become more and more blunt. The cutting quality and therefore the efficiency decrease in turn, which leads to a poorer cut and higher running costs.
There aren't any specific stipulations regarding the sharpening time.
It depends on many different aspects, such as:
- Amount of material flowing through the grinder
- Quality of the material
- Running time of the grinder
When to sharpen?
If the grinder is used 24/7, it might make sense to sharpen the cutting set at the end of the working week.
If it is only used on rare occasions, it is sufficient to have the cutting set sharpened once a month or even less often. The sample image of the cutting set parts having rubbed against each other are to be considered as extreme examples. The sharpening process should not be delayed as long as this.
How to sharpen?
You should think carefully about which sharpening company you want to use because the quality of the sharpening directly affects the quality of your own product. At turbocut we have developed the best sharpening process for our cutting sets.
However, we are also happy to refer you to sharpening specialists located closer to you so that you can avoid long and time-consuming transport.
Sharpening Myths
"The service life of the cutting sets decreases when they are sharpened!"
The opposite is actually true. Regular sharpening times which are appropriate for use ensure a longer service life because it is only the smallest unevenness of the hole plate surface which is smoothened and the blades of the knife which are sharpened in the sharpening process in order to counteract the parts rubbing against each other.
"It's enough to sharpen just the knife or just the hole plate!"
This is a fatal mistake that is unfortunately still made much too often. If only the knife of a cutting set is sharpened and the hole plate remains untreated, the sharpened knife does not lie absolutely adjacent against the worn hole plate. The result is poorer cutting quality and higher wear and tear on the machine.
Nehmen Sie den Schleif-Service von turbocut in Anspruch
Ihre Schneidsätze müssen geschliffen werden, oder haben einen defekt? Als bestehender Kunde können Sie uns diese gerne zusenden und wir kümmern uns darum, dass Ihre Schneidsätze
wieder optimal funktionieren. Sei es durch fachgerechtes Schleifen oder einen Austausch des betroffenen Teils.
Und so funktioniert’s:
1. Packen Sie die zu schleifenden oder beschädigten Teile und Sätze in ein oder mehrere Pakete.
2. Generieren Sie Ihren Auftrags-Code. Wir senden Ihnen diesen an die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse.
3. Drucken Sie diesen aus und kleben Sie ihn auf ihr Paket oder ihre Pakete und schicken Sie uns Ihr Paket oder Ihre Pakete an:
turbocut Jopp GmbH
Donsenhaug 4
97616 Bad Neustadt
Wir bearbeiten Ihren Auftrag und senden Ihnen die geschliffenen oder ausgetauschten Teile inklusive einer Rechnung wieder zurück. Während des gesamten Prozesses halten wir Sie per E-Mail auf dem Laufenden, wo sich ihr Paket gerade befindet.